Tag Archives: Nature

Real Awareness

“Both Wordsworth and Thoreau knew that when the light of common day seemed no more than common it was because of something lacking in them, not because of something lacking in it, and what they asked for was eyes to see a universe they knew was worth seeing. For that reason theirs are the best of all attempts to describe what real awareness consists of…that the rare moment is not the moment when there is something worth looking at but the moment when we are capable of seeing it”.

From The Desert Year, by Joseph Wood Krutch, American Naturalist

A Patriot’s Reverence

An Abundance of Snows

“Once they are gone, the trees and the grasslands, the screaming waterfowl, the beavers, and the antelope, we can only remember them with longing. We are not god. We cannot make America over again as it was in the beginning, but we can come to what is left of our heritage with a patriot’s reverence”.


From Things Precious & Wild: A Book of Nature Quotations by John K. Terres

Michael Patrick McCarty

What Lies Beneath

Spaceship Earth – The Great Blue Mother

“After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on – have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear – what remains? Nature remains”. –Walt Whitman


For some of us, nature is all that there is and all that has ever been. It is both “blessing and curse” for those seemingly few, so inclined. We walk a different road on this great blue orb, away from the hustle and the bustle and the noise. Sadly, “modern” society is not always kind to those who choose this path.

Material rewards and the spoils of war favor the victors. They tend to write and edit the history books, too.

Still, one road leads to life –  the other way, not so much. Truth is truth.

War against nature is a most unwinnable conflict.

I chose life. I chose nature. How about you?

Michael Patrick McCarty

You might also Research The Gaia Hypothesis and Spaceship Earth