“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I’m all out of bubblegum.” A quote famously uttered by “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, in his role role as George Nada in the cult classic movie They Live,by John Carpenter.
See More About The Cult Classic Movie “They Live” HERE
“Once they are gone, the trees and the grasslands, the screaming waterfowl, the beavers, and the antelope, we can only remember them with longing. We are not god. We cannot make America over again as it was in the beginning, but we can come to what is left of our heritage with a patriot’s reverence”.
From Things Precious & Wild: A Book of Nature Quotations by John K. Terres
“I hereby reaffirm my oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor in defense of the principles of liberty enunciated in our Declaration of Independence, for which our forefathers spilled their blood. We will not let the Republic fall without a fight”.
A small part of An Oathkeeper’s Pledge, by Stewart Rhodes.
The title quote is by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Taken from the Alex Jones Radio Show, September 24, 2012.
I cannot help but agree with Mr. Adams.
The use of cash as payment for common goods is not only being frowned upon, but is more strongly discouraged every day. In fact, the steady and unconstitutional criminalization of a once ordinary and harmless act like this is fast becoming the “new normal”.
Don’t believe me? Try and lay down a large bill these days at most any retail store and watch for that disdainful look. Or worse. The stories are now flying about like autumn leaves on the freshening wind.
It’s true, and it’s sad, and it sets a most dangerous precedent. It is yet another attack on our freedoms and our peace of mind as the cashless society grows closer.
Have you asked yourself why this is happening?
Did you ever consider that paying with cash could one day be deemed an illegal action, or interpreted as a threat or an act of resistance?
Do you think there could be much more to the story?
I have not the answers, but I am willing to ask the questions.