Our goals are simple.
We wish to enjoy, celebrate, and promote the joys and bounties of the backyard, and of the diverse and miraculous natural world in and around it that makes it all possible. From our point of view, it’s all about personal freedom, self-sufficiency, and unapologetic independence too.
We love to talk about gardening, animal husbandry, books, wild foods and foraging, hunting and fishing, food preparation and cooking, prepping, family, friends and community, outdoor living, natural history, backyard biology, wildlife conservation, land stewardship, and more.
We wish to “provide” as much as we can from our “backyard”, and encourage you to do the same. We strive to work in harmony with nature, and not against her. She is more than happy to oblige, if you try.
Our backyard is close at hand, and all around. At the same time it is vast, wild, and free.
It’s a way of life, and a state of mind. We believe the world can change for the better, and we would like to help, one meal, and one backyard, at a time…

Food Freedom!
Michael Patrick McCarty
You can see more of his work at Through A Hunter’s Eyes: A Journal of Wild game, Fighting Fish, and Grand Pursuit.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Hippocrates