December 23, 2013
For some time now I have made a special effort to drink only water that I have collected and hauled from a high country spring, and I have no plans to quit anytime soon. It is some distance from my house and it takes a bit of time out of an otherwise busy day, and it would be so much easier to turn on the municipal tap or crack a cap of bottled water.
Is it worth the trouble, you might ask?
Well, yes it is, as a matter of fact, and in more ways than you might guess, would be my answer…
Drawn deep from a primordial source, this water is wild and whole and tastes of mountain and ancient sunlight. It flows steady and true and offers a host of special properties quite hard to define. It is alive, and it feels good just to be around it. In fact, it is all about how it makes you feel, this living water…
It is not something I wish to take for granted. It is a sobering fact…
[article in progress]