February, 2017
We almost found the hideous effluent of Obamacare, and now it’s gone…almost!
Posted by Michael Patrick McCarty
You Might Also See Health Care and the Altar of The Black Robe
“In the state of nature, liberty consists of being free from any superior power on Earth. People are not under the will or lawmaking authority of others but have only the law of nature for their rule. In political society, liberty consists of being under no other lawmaking power except that established by consent in the commonwealth. People are free from the dominion of any will or legal restraint apart from that enacted by their own constituted lawmaking power according to the trust put in it. Thus, freedom is not as Sir Robert Filmer defines it: ‘A liberty for everyone to do what he likes, to live as he pleases, and not to be tied by any laws.’ Freedom is constrained by laws in both the state of nature and political society. Freedom of nature is to be under no other restraint but the law of nature. Freedom of people under government is to be under no restraint apart from standing rules to live by that are common to everyone in the society and made by the lawmaking power established in it. Persons have a right or liberty to (1) follow their own will in all things that the law has not prohibited and (2) not be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, and arbitrary wills of others.” – John Locke
“We are slaves. All of us,” writes Wyoming superlawyer Gerry Spence with his trademark exuberance. “The New Master is an entanglement of megacorporations on the one hand and an omnipresent national government on the other, each stuck to the other like a pair of copulating dogs, each unable to move without dragging the other behind it, each dependent upon the other, hating the other, but welded to the other in a dissolute enterprise.”
Gerry Spence is one of “My” Personal Heroes. Care to tell us about some of yours?
February, 2017
Posted by Michael Patrick McCarty
You Might Also See Health Care and the Altar of The Black Robe
Today, much to my surprise, I saw Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, in my favorite Colorado breakfast spot. I even surprised myself when I took that opportunity to stand up and cross the room to say hello, and shake his hand.
For those that don’t know, Sheriff Clarke has been Sheriff of Milwaukee County since 2002 and is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel. He is a staunch proponent of self-defense and Second Amendment rights, and a champion of law enforcement done the right way. In 2013, Clarke was awarded the Sheriff of the Year Award by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, for “demonstrating true leadership and courage…staying true to his oath, true to his badge, and true to the people he has promised to serve and protect.”
He is a Hero to me, with a capital “H”, and I told him just that. Sheriff Clarke and I had never met before, and probably will not meet again. He had no idea who I was, nor had any reason to know. Not, in the end, that it really matters.
But I know a patriot and an ally when I see one. I have listened closely to the words of Sheriff Clarke whenever I could, and have found his message to ring true. My gut tells me that he is a good man, and real. Our meeting, chance and inconsequential as it was, has only reinforced that belief.
My only real intention, if there was one, was uncomplicated, and unplanned. Perhaps I looked quite foolish, standing there, in a somewhat awkward and deferential position, while the rest of the restaurant crowd looked on.
But I wanted him to know that I, for one, knew who he was, and that I appreciated what he stood for, and what he did, everyday, for me, and for others. As you might imagine, that is usually more difficult than it sounds.
In my opinion, “We The People”, have much more to worry about than the common criminals (who are brought to the court with the help of the criminal defense attorneys practicing in Tacoma) and predatory intruders of the backyard and home. Those more obvious threats I can handle, for as the saying goes, “I don’t call 911”. In that scenario I fully intend to be the last man standing, and I will call, if and when whatever happens, happens.
What troubles me most is more insidious, and dangerous. I wish that it was not so glaringly obvious that our constitutional rights and personal liberties are being attacked from every imaginable angle. I wish that I did not feel the need to point out that things seem to be escalating, daily. More than likely, you have already figured that out for yourself.
It is people like Sheriff Clarke that also protect us from the other bad things that slither and slather in the night, whether we know it or not. He is part of that largely unseen group of people standing on the front lines, working to preserve our rights to do what we wish to do in our home, and our backyard. They are the last line of defense before we have to take matters in our own hands. He knows, and we know, that we will do that if we need to, though we all pray that it won’t come to that.
Pray that it does not come to that.
I wish that I had done more than stand and say thank you to Sheriff Clarke today. I wish that I had an opportunity to say more than I did. But I did stand, and that is much better than not.
Men, and women, like Sheriff Clarke, need our steadfast support. They need to know that we are paying attention to the things done by an over reaching government without our consent, and that our patience is wearing precariously thin. Our quiet, though measured resolve to preserve the best parts of our way of life should never be mistaken for weakness. No doubt he knows that, much more than most.
We have your back Sir, of that you can be sure.
I am proud that I stood, today. I stood, hesitantly, but…hopefully. Hopeful, that things in the world are not going to go the way I am afraid that they cannot help but go. Hopeful, that people like Sheriff Clarke will continue to stand, for me, and for us, and that others will also rise.
One way or the other, I will be counted. Perhaps today, the simple act of standing, and giving thanks, meant something. Perhaps a heartfelt effort from a common man, however small, was just enough. Just enough to help turn the tide of a country heading in the wrong direction. Just enough to help steel the hearts of heroes like Sheriff Clarke, and others, and the heroes in all of us.
I salute you, Sheriff Clark, …again.
Posted by Michael Patrick McCarty
Read More About Sheriff Clarke HERE
For those around us who would like to ban Christmas and the holiday celebrations, and along with it my Right To Bear Arms (not necessarily in that order)…I have only this to say –
Any Questions?
Merry Christmas, and to all, a very good year…
See More About This photo and The Infowars Christmas Meme contest in the video below.
Posted by Michael Patrick McCarty
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…it’s that if I ever look for my heart’s desire again I’ll never look further than my own backyard; because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with”.
Spoken by Dorothy, from the movie Wizard of Oz, and the book by L. Frank Baum.
“Prepper Pete Prepares” by Kermit Jones, Jr. is the first prepping book written exclusively for kids. “Designed to educate children in a language where they can be taught and entertained at the same time, this series highlights a handful of reasons to prepare in a simplistic, non threatening manner”.
It’s never too early to begin to teach a child a little independence and self-reliance. Wonderfully illustrated, it is a great read and a great way to help children understand prepping in fun and thought-provoking terms.
Preparedness is the key!
Read More About Pete’s Adventures Here.
Food Freedom – and Prepping Too!